Educational Excellence Award

CSOHNS Award For Educational Excellence (Established 2006)


The Educational Excellence Award is intended to honour an individual who has made a significant impact in the area of medical education at a national and/or international level. Priority will be given to a member of the CSOHNS although other candidates could be considered under exceptional circumstances.

DEADLINE for nominations to the Awards Chair at or before FEBRUARY 28 of each year.

Nomination Process

Only a Society member is eligible to make a nomination.

The nomination package must include:

  • Letter of nomination signed by the nominator and seconder. The letter shall not exceed 250 words. it must include the name of the nominee and the reasons why he/she are worthy of the award.
  • Three letters of support from the nominee’s peers.
  • Letters of support from individuals or groups of current or past students or trainees of the nominee highlighting his/her excellence and innovation in teaching and mentoring (maximum three).
  • A list of graduate trainees mentored by the nominee, their significant awards/recognitions and their career paths.
  • A current abbreviated CV of the nominee (maximum 4 pages).

Selection and Judging

The judging committee will be led by the Awards Chair and will include the Society’s President, Immediate Past President, 1st Vice-President and three additional members-at-large who are not in a conflict of interest situation with any of the candidates. The prize will not be awarded should there be no suitable candidate.

The Award

The honoree will receive his/her award at the annual scientific meeting in the following year. The award will be an inscribed plaque to be presented at the General Business Meeting of the CSOHNS Annual Meeting.

Recipients Of The CSOHNS Award For Educational Excellence

Dr. Scott Kohlert, Ottawa, ON

Dr. Kevin Fung, London, ON
Dr. Hadi Seikaly, Edmonton, AB

Dr. Rob Hart, Halifax, NS

Dr. Ian Witterick, Toronto, ON

Dr. Elhamy Attia, Halifax, NS

Dr. Julian Nedzelski, Toronto, ON

Dr. Dominique Dorion, Sherbrooke, QC

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